What is Vaginismus?
Vaginismus is the involuntary and unconscious contraction of the muscles of the perineum which prevents penetration during intercourse. The woman has no control over it, which can be really distressing. As well as hostile to having vaginal sex, many also find it difficult to use a tampon
In some cases, the woman is related to her fears but in other cases not at all, she really needs to make love but she cannot. There is such a contraction of the muscles of the perineum that the penetration is impossible. The primary vaginismus, that is to say, that the woman has never managed to have a single sexual intercourse with penetration, she is still a virgin. The male companion has been unable to insert his penis into the vagina. He may describe a feeling like “hitting a wall” at the vaginal opening. There could also be pain, generalized muscle spasms, and therefore the woman may temporarily stop breathing.
And secondary vaginismus, which follows Dyspareunia, that is to say, the pain that the woman felt during sexual intercourse. She contracted her vagina more and more until she could no longer have sexual intercourse. It has not always been present. It can occur at any stage of life, and it’s not going to have happened before. It commonly stems from a specific event, like an infection, menopause, and a traumatic event, development of a medical condition, relationship issues, surgery, or childbirth.
Even after improving any underlying medical condition, pain may persist if the body is conditioned to react in this way.
Furthermore, vaginismus can be caused by emotional factors and physical factors which include: fear of pregnancy, an abusive sexual relationship, feeling of vulnerability, emotional and mental trauma from a past abuse, harassment, or rape, infections like yeast infection or UTI, underlying disease or conditions such as lichen sclerosis or cancer, childbirth, menopause, previous pelvic surgery and so on.
Treatments: what to do in case of vaginismus?
Without treatment, it can cause frustration and distress, and it’s going to worsen. However, treatment is possible for vaginismus. This disorder can stem from psychological issues, emotional factors or medical factors. In the experience of vaginismus, it is preferable to consult a gynecologist, sex therapist or a sexologist with whom we will be able to discuss the causes of vaginismus.
The consultation usually includes inquiring about her symptoms and rarely needs an internal examination
Treatment is usually therapy to help a woman recognize her feelings about sex and her body. Relaxation methods such as mindfulness can also help.
Pelvic floor exercises can also help a woman increase control of her vaginal muscles.
In more severe cases, a sex therapist can help a female get used to having something inserted in her vagina, like tampons shaped which come in different sizes.
The medical information provided during this article is provided as an information resource only. This information doesn’t cause any patient-physician relationship and will not be used as a substitute for expert diagnosis and treatment.